Thunder Women Healing Lodge

Thunder Women Healing Lodge.
Address: 413 Dundas Street E, Toronto Ontario.
Postal Code: M5A 2A9.
Number: (647) 598-4520

TWHLS is a community-driven initiative raised out of concern and recognition of
the urgent need to break the cycle of Indigenous women’s over-representation in
Canada’s prisons. Indigenous-led, we provide trauma-informed, culturally
appropriate services for First Nation (Status and Non-Status), Inuit, and Metis
2SLGBTQIA+ women exiting the justice system. The over-incarceration of
Indigenous women is a national crisis. History has revealed the targeted attempts to
break down Indigenous Culture and communities. First with the Residential
schools, then the 60s scoop and now the over-incarceration of Indigenous women.
This targeted bias has robbed children of their mothers, communities of their
sisters, aunties, and elders. We believe the best way to reduce the number of
Indigenous women in Canada’s jails is to create opportunities for us to thrive.
Our Mission, Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society will promote and provide
services for First Nation (Status and Non-Status), Inuit, and Metis 2SLGBTQIA+
Women to focus on their journey to wholeness and balance.
Our Vision, To provide First Nation (Status and Non-Status), Inuit, and Metis
2SLGBTQIA+ women a place in the Greater Toronto Area to heal and reclaim
positive cultural identity, rehabilitation and wellness.
Our Mandate, To establish a Healing Lodge for First Nations (Status and
Non-Status), Inuit, and Metis 2SLGBTQIA+ women who are in conflict with the
law, and for those who have survived intergenerational trauma. To provide cultural
support, traditional knowledge and resources, for the advancement of wholeness
and balance. To empower First Nations (Status and Non-Status), Inuit, and Metis
2SLGBTQIA+ Women to take their honoured place within their community and