Aboriginal Labour Force Development Circle

Important information from Service Canada to clients who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance or Allowance for the Survivor benefit

Important information from Service Canada to clients who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance or Allowance for the Survivor benefit – Reminder to submit income information

Employment and Social Development Canada and Service Canada would like to share important information with seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income SupplementAllowance or Allowance for the Survivor benefit.

During the week of October 5, 2020, Service Canada sent reminder letters and Statement of Income forms to clients in receipt of these benefits whose income information for 2019 had not been received.

These individuals received a ‘reminder kit’ requesting completion and submission of the Statement of Income form. The reminder kit contained:

  • a reminder letter;
  • a Statement of Income form and instruction sheet; and,
  • a self-addressed return envelope.

Each year in July, an individual’s ongoing entitlement to benefits is reviewed based on the most recent income information. Because of the pandemic, individuals who could not be assessed due to a lack of income information continued to receive payments and were notified by letter in July 2020 that income information must be provided.This special measure has ensured that clients who have not provided income information continue to receive their benefits uninterrupted; however this measure expires in December 2020.

Clients who have not yet submitted 2019 income information should do so as soon as possible. Clients who do not submit their income information will not receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance or the Allowance for the Survivor in January 2021.

If community members or individuals within your network do not have access to the internet or face other barriers, the Service Canada Outreach Support Centre will ensure they get access to the critical benefits they need. Client can call the toll-free number (1- 877-355-2657) TTY: 1-833-719-2657 from 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

Thank you,

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Facebook: Seniors in Canada